Push notifications

Push notifications and in app screens to help users discover the app.


I worked for what3words, a London start-up in tech for almost 3 years. 

During my time as a designer, I worked on push notifications, increasing the opening rates by +30%, with a record in Vietnam.

The Company

what3words is a technology startup operating in the geolocation industry. It has developed a unique addressing system that assigns a distinctive combination of **three words to every 3x3 meter square on the planet. This innovative system simplifies complex addresses, providing a user-friendly way for people to communicate precise locations.Imagine you're on a beach trying to meet friends, navigating through a forest, or requesting a delivery to a specific spot without a traditional address – what3words makes these scenarios simpler. Instead of dealing with lengthy and convoluted addresses, users can share just three words that pinpoint their exact location.It has found widespread adoption across industries, including logistics and delivery services, emergency response, travel and tourism, events and festivals, utilities and infrastructure, automotive and navigation systems, humanitarian aid, outdoor and recreation activities, e-commerce, app development, and public services, providing a user-friendly solution for precise location communication through its unique three-word addressing system.

About push notifications

Push notifications are a powerful tool for businesses to stay connected with their users,

We used them to communicate updates on new features, provide recommendations, and re-engage users who had not used the app for a certain period. 

These notifications served to keep users informed, offer relevant suggestions, and encourage continued app usage, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

How push notification work

Design are for both iOS and Android.

On iOS, push notifications are delivered through the Apple Push Notification service (APNs), while on Android, they are delivered through the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service.

Designing for both systems helps to reach users across a wide range of devices and maintain consistent communication.

Localisation 🌍

Asset localisation is crucial for engaging users. Beyond translation, it involves tailoring visuals and content to match cultural preferences.

+ 30% opening rates

during the period I've worked on push notifications.