& Emails

Newsletters and email marketing to boost business engagement.


Since 2016, I've been engaged in email marketing, starting with HTML in Adobe Dreamweaver and transitioning to Figma in 2020. 

Over nearly three years at what3words, I was involved in creating email campaigns and monthly newsletters, localising the contents by tailoring them to diverse language and cultural preferences.

Direct Email Marketing ✉️

Direct Email Marketing (DEM) involves sending promotional emails or newsletters directly to a targeted audience. These emails are typically personalized and tailored to the interests and preferences of the recipients. 

At the time, I used Adobe Dreamweaver to design the emails, utilizing HTML and CSS.

what is what3words

what3words is a technology startup operating in the geolocation industry. It has developed a unique addressing system that assigns a distinctive combination of **three words to every 3x3 meter square on the planet. This innovative system simplifies complex addresses, providing a user-friendly way for people to communicate precise locations.Imagine you're on a beach trying to meet friends, navigating through a forest, or requesting a delivery to a specific spot without a traditional address – what3words makes these scenarios simpler. Instead of dealing with lengthy and convoluted addresses, users can share just three words that pinpoint their exact location.It has found widespread adoption across industries, including logistics and delivery services, emergency response, travel and tourism, events and festivals, utilities and infrastructure, automotive and navigation systems, humanitarian aid, outdoor and recreation activities, e-commerce, app development, and public services, providing a user-friendly solution for precise location communication through its unique three-word addressing system.

Newsletter  🌍

The monthly newsletter featured updates on partnerships, user stories highlighting unique app uses, introductions to new features, and useful information or 'how to use' sections.

In this context, localizing assets is essential for captivating users from different countries: content varied by region and was aligned with cultural preferences, including images and colours

We designed all emails and newsletters in Figma to ensure consistency and efficiency across all our communications.

Figma's collaborative features and intuitive interface facilitated seamless collaboration and streamlined the design process.

All newsletters were designed for both desktop and mobile, as we saw an increasing preference for mobile devices among users.

+ 40% click-through rates

during the period I've worked on emails.